de Edward Lear
Calico Pie,
The little Birds fly
Down to the calico tree,
Their wings were blue,
And they sang 'Tilly-loo!'
Till away they flew,--
And they
never came back to me!
They never came back!
They never came back!
They never came back to me!
Calico Jam,
The little Fish swam,
Over the syllabub sea,
He took off his hat,
To the Sole and the Sprat,
And the Willeby-Wat,--
But he never came back to me!
He never came
He never came
He never came back to me!
Calico Ban,
The little Mice ran,
To be ready in time for tea,
Flippity flup,
They drank it all up,
And danced in the cup,--
But they never came back to me!
They never came back!
They never came back!
They never came back to me!
Calico Drum,
The Grasshoppers come,
The Butterfly, Beetle, and Bee,
Over the ground,
Around and around,
With a hop and a bound,--
But they never came back to me!
They never came back!
They never came back!
They never came back to me!
tradução: Cecilia Furquim
As aves ao redor
Pousavam ali no jardim,
De asas cor azul,
Cantavam 'Tilli-lul!'
Até voar pro Sul,--
E jamais voltaram pra mim!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram pra mim!
de Calicó,
O peixinho xodó
Nadou no mingau sem fim,
Tirou seu
Ao linguado e ao Xaréu,
E ao Milebu-Bidéu,--
E jamais voltou pra mim!
E jamais voltou!
E jamais voltou!
E jamais voltou pra mim!
de Calicó,
Os ratinhos sem dó,
Correram pro chá de jasmin,
Flipiti flecas,
Beberam, sapecas,
Dançando nas canecas,--
E jamais voltaram pra mim!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram pra mim!
de Calicó,
Os grilos num forró,
A borboleta, a abelha e um cupim,
Pulando no ar,
a rodar e rodar
Saltando sem parar,--
E jamais voltaram pra mim!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram!
E jamais voltaram pra mim!